The project DITOs (Co-creating science) represents a new approach to science and innovations, for it moves the discussions surrounding scientific research and innovations from the domain of scientific institutions into the field of active public participation.

The project’s goal is to deepen the involvement of the general public in science and change the general public from a passive observer to an active developer and co-creator of scientific development.

The project supports DIY and bottom-up initiatives, which ensure a sustainable creation of (local) communities equipped with knowledge and capacities that will help them co-create the field with appropriate approaches to the development and innovations through various levels of addressing the decision makers.

The activities are based on the practice known as citizen science, i.e. participatory science, in which individuals perform scientific work in cooperation or under the mentorship of experts and scientific institutions. The activities will include new, innovative approaches and formats and will focus on two key areas – bio-design and environmental protection. Within the consortium we will set-up hybrid art exhibitions, organize conferences and seminars, promote debates and panels on the proposed topics and perform DIY and DITO workshops for participants of all ages and profiles.

The project aims to address individuals of all ages and profiles, who wish to participate in the cocreation of inclusive science in the future. Regardless of whether you are a researcher, scientist or an artist, the level and manner of inclusion depend on the individual himself. Special emphasis will be paid on women in science and technology.

The three-year project supported by the European Commission – H2020 and coordinated by the University College London also includes the Universite Paris Descartes, Universite de Geneve, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural History, European Citizen Science Association, Medialab Prado, Tekiu, Eutema, Meritum Association, Waag Society and Kersnikova Institute.

Photo: Hana Jošić


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